Refactoring: from strategy to interpreter pattern with Jest testing tool

Elie Nehmé
7 min readNov 25, 2018


“multicolored stair cube on grass field” by Julian Howard on Unsplash

Through my previous article, we explored how to extract conditionals into functions using simple and convenient use cases. However, more complicated situations won’t be addressed by simple extractions.

Along this exercice, we will replace a switch statement with a well known concept — Polymorphism.

Problem statement

First, as an example, we’ll focus on evaluating simple Algebraic Expressions such as “1 + (6 + 5) * 8” or in a more general manner by respecting associativity and Operator Precedence:

a OP b OP c
(a OP b) OP c
a OP (b OP c)
  • OP stands for operator and a, b, c for operands

As with most of my examples, we have to think of this particular problem as a stand-in for something even more complicated.

First solution with switch statement

The obvious solution that comes to mind is an Expression Class that deals with an operator and left/right operands:

left/right operands could be an expression or a number

The whole expression is split into three parts where left/right operands could also be split in order to respect associativity.

Jest Unit Tests

Before we start implementing any solutions, we install Jest and configure it to be run with Typescript classes:

npm i -D jest @types/jest ts-jest typescript

Next, we add “jest.config.js” to the root of our project:

We assume we have a package.json setup, all typescript classes in src folder and expectations in tests folder.

Source code with all configuration and setup instructions could be found at the master branch of:

Now, we can simply call jest on the command line.

Writing our first expectations

Let’s start by creating some expectations in order to expose and clarify our problem statement:

Associativity determines the way in which operators are parsed

Running this code with Jest would fail as no solution is yet provided:

evaluate function is throwing an error.

Time to implement expression evaluation

As explained above, the evaluate function determines the result recursively by interpreting the operators. Following the same logic, a switch statement would be written as follows:

leftValue and rightValue operates recursively depending on operands type

We run Jest after the modification, all tests should pass :

All tests are passed

Indeed, this simple demonstration reveals a weak solution that violates OCP principle. Each time, we want to add or exploit a new operator, we need to modify the switch case.

Switch to polymorphism

When we analyse our expression carefully, we notice that an operand is either a value or an expression. Another generic solution is to move “Expression” to an abstract class where :

  1. ValueExpression returns simply the value
  2. OperatorExpression operates on left and right operands

The following steps expand the solution with a polymorphism concept:

Step 1: Expression as abstract

Expression abstract class is restricted to handle only the evaluate function signature:

evaluate function is abstract

Step 2: Operator Expression as abstract

We create another abstract class to handle Addition/Multiplication operators where each operator needs left and right expressions:

Operator expression requires left and right expression

Step 3: Value Expression as a concrete class

Value expression returns simply the value:

Value Expression encapsulates the value

Final step: Concrete Operators

Each operator acts as a concrete class by implementing its own logic evaluation:

Left and Right are expressions that encapsulates their own logic

Adding another operator becomes straightforward by creating a new class without any changes among existing classes.

Apply changes to expectations

Our unit tests need to be changed to fit the new design:

Operator is now explicitly reflected by the instance name.

With polymorphism though we have enhanced the application as follows:

  1. No more operators required in the constructor
  2. No need to have a switch statement to handle the operators

Even so, this solution is not quite practical nor attractive. What about resolving the following expression 😅:

((-5 + 8) * (-3 + -2) * ((4 + 8) / (5 - -1) - 3) * (-2 - -4) * (5 * (8 + 6)) + 4) * 8

Thankfully, interpreter pattern comes to the rescue with its Lexer/Parser concepts.

Interpreter Pattern

Interpreter pattern provides a way to evaluate expression grammar. It is a behavioral design pattern that aims to parse any expression according to grammar rules, build abstract syntax tree and then run the interpretation to return the expected result.

Defining Grammar Rules

In order to parse any language or expression, we need to define some rules. In our case, our expression grammar is relatively simple:

  1. One space should separates operands from operators
  2. Excessive parenthesis invalidates the expression

Usually for more complex cases, we would use a notation technique such as BNF.

Lexer Class

A lexer is just an expression recognizer that transforms input of characters to an array of tokens. This step is also called — tokenization.

Following our grammar above, we have one step to accomplish tokenization:

  1. Splitting the expression into an array

That said, the following method apply a regular expression and some trimming/filtering techniques:

Operators are separated by one space

Given the expression: 4 * (8 – 2), split function would return a list of tokens: [‘4’, ‘*’, ‘8’, ‘-’, ‘2’]

This is a simple lexer implementation. A more complex tokenization process could take place but this goes beyond the scope.

Parser Class

Parser depends on the Lexer class. Once tokenization is done, we loop over the array of tokens in order to create an AST by applying a variation of NPN.

We could apply a strict NPN or even RPN algorithm, but I prefer to demonstrate a different approach.

In order to rearrange tokens to respect operator precedence, I’ve decided to implement merge sort algorithm with O(NLogN) complexity.

The idea behind a merge sort algorithm is to divide the array into several sub-arrays until each one consists of a single element and merging those sub-arrays in a manner that results into a sorted list.

The same process could apply to our array of tokens. However, we divide the array, not according to its length, but depending on the index of the low precedence operator. Finally, the merge appends the operator at the left:

Operators are appended to the left of operands

To apply this algorithm, two main methods are useful:

  • Finding the index — pivot — to split the array into two halves:
In case we have sub expressions, we hide their operators
  • Applying the merge with the operator at the current index:
Once the first lowest-operator-precedence index found, we split the array into two parts

Indeed, some others methods are required to do some cleaning tasks and to fully respect precedence operator concept.

For further details, parser class code is available here.

Interpreter final step

Based on the parser class, the interpreter is just an aggregator that accepts an expression as input and return its result as output:

interpret method receives an expression input and returns its evaluated result.

The core of the interpreter is the expression evaluation that iterates over the array of tokens by using a stack, with the expression processed as follows:

  1. If the current token is an operator, we check if the next two tokens are operands. If so, we evaluate the expression and push the result onto the stack;
  2. Otherwise, we push back the current token onto the stack.
Result is popped from the stack

The interpreter implementation did not eliminate the strategy pattern, on the contrary evaluateOperands method still uses it:

expression evaluation remains straightforward

The new data structure — Map introduced in ES6 — let us map each operator to its class definition:

Operators are defined as constants

Wrapping Up

From a simple expression, we demonstrated how to get rid of a switch statement in favor of polymorphism. We extended the strategy pattern by introducing a simple lexer/parser implementation.

Moreover, expectations were very helpful to finalize refactoring. Each single modification requires to verify that tests were passed successfully — for that purpose, I have started this article by adding and configuring Jest.

The complete source code is available at this address:

Each step has its own dedicated branch.

Don’t hesitate to give me your feedback, or contact me on Twitter @elie_nehme



Elie Nehmé
Elie Nehmé

Written by Elie Nehmé

Lead Web Application Architect. Passionate about refactoring, clean code, and building scalable solutions with simplicity.

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